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Costa Rica says Good Bye! to stereophone.

In a period of two years the importation, commercialization and distribution of expanded polystyrene containers or dishes or stereophones will be prohibited, after today a law was approved in the second debate.

Will be fined with one to ten base salaries to those who break this law, up to an amount of ¢ 4.4 million.

Those products that, for reasons of conservation or protection, are not environmentally viable, the use of alternative materials will be excluded from the law.

The packaging of electrical appliances and related, and the containers of industrial and construction uses are also excluded.

The Government should support companies in the transition to more environmentally friendly containers before the law comes into force.

The measure was proposed by the Frente Amplio party.

"This initiative is a giant step for public health, the environment and the economy of the country, because the stereophone generates great pollution," said Paola Vega, deputy of the PAC.

This article was taken from La República ( ) and it is not our article.

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